Walrus In The Arctic Dies From Bird Flu. Researchers have confirmed the first known case…
You dumb humans, killing each other, killing the animals, destroying the planet with your greed and ignorance, you need to sort your sorry selves out before it’s too late.
Without compassion and empathy for all living beings, morality cannot exist.
( Rose Winfold )
Heartbreaking For Dog Lovers.
About 200 perfectly healthy dogs are euthanised in Los Angeles County every week.
And, across the United States, millions are put down each year.
About 50% of all the ‘owner surrenders’ or strays are pedigrees.
The most common reasons given for dogs being dumped is moving to a house that doesn’t allow pets or, after buying a cute puppy, “it got bigger than we thought it would”.
If a stray dog comes in, by law it has to be held for 72 hours to give the owners a chance to be reunited.
However, there is a 90% chance that these dogs will be put to sleep.
When the pound does a cull because of overcrowding, the strays are the first to be killed.
The dog pounds, which we visit about three times a week to rescue dogs from death row, are the saddest places I have ever been to.
After four years, I still cry when I’m there.
The staff do their best but they are overwhelmed.
The dogs are confined to small kennels/runs with about 25 other barking or crying animals, and they have to relieve themselves where they eat and sleep.
They are depressed and sad, and cry constantly for the family that abandoned them.
They don’t get any attention besides having a bowl of food slid under their kennel door and their waste sprayed out with a high-powered hose.
If the dog is big, black or any of the ‘bully’ breeds (pitbull, rottweiler, mastiff etc), it is pretty much dead when it walks through the door.
The most heartbreaking part is when they are taken to be put down.
The dogs get excited when they see the leash, thinking they are going for a walk, and trot off happily, wagging their tails.
Until, that is, they get to The Room.
One shelter manager says, “Every one of them freaks out and puts on the brakes when we get to the door. It must smell like death or they can feel the sad souls that are left in there. It’s strange, but it happens with every one of them.”
The dog is then restrained and held down by one or two veterinary technicians depending on their size and how freaked out they are.
A euthanasia technician or a vet starts the process.
They find a vein in a front leg and inject a lethal dose of the ‘pink stuff.’
If the dog panics from being restrained and jerks, the needle can tear out of a leg.
“I’ve seen needles come out and I’ve been covered with the resulting blood, and been deafened by the yelps and screams,” says the manager.
“They all don’t just go to sleep. Sometimes they spasm for a while, gasp for air and defecate.”
I know this is heartbreaking to any dog lover and I am sorry for being graphic.
But on a happier note, there are about 100 animal rescue groups in the Los Angeles area that go into these shelters, take as many animals as possible and then find them loving homes.
( Emma Parker Bowles, 27.10.2013 )
A person is the best thing to happen to a shelter animal.
Be that person.
If we could read the minds of enslaved farm animals, we would probably be in tears.
( Len Firswood )
Animals are innocent –– Humans not so much.
We have made it easy not to think about what animals were before we find them on our plates or pick-up pieces of their corpse from supermarket cold shelves.
( Wilfred Soon )
You can love women and hit them.
No, that’s not right.
You can love children but abuse them.
No, that’s not right.
You can love animals but eat them.
No, that’s not right either.
Humans are always the problem, not the animals.
Look Into Our Eyes.
If only we could talk.
We have a soul and we have a heart.
We feel pain when we get hurt.
We cry and we feel sad when bad things happen to our friends and family.
We are frightened and scared most of the time.
All we need are good, kind people to take care of us and to feed us.
We will repay them by being a loyal and devoted companion.
We are not asking for too much, are we?
No animal is more full of love than a dog.
No animal is more worthy of love.
( Tony Parsons )
Animals often teach us more about humanity than other humans do.
Wealthy people have designer labels on their clothes.
Happy people have dog hairs on theirs.
We never have long enough to be with the animals we love, or time to prepare ourselves to say goodbye.
Losing Their Pets.
Hundreds of animals have been left at shelters since April this year, when the Bedroom Tax – or what the Government calls the Under-Occupancy Charge – started.
The cruel tax means that vulnerable families are not just losing their homes and often their family support networks but also their pets.
Animal charities say their shelters are at breaking point after receiving almost double the number of animals.
Blue Cross alone has received triple the number of cats and one and a half times the number of dogs since the controversial tax began.
There are many households faced by cuts suddenly unable to afford to keep pets – and for families with disabilities, losing an animal companion can be a particularly cruel blow.
In the whirlwind of callous cuts currently faced by disabled people in the UK, the loss of pets may seem less important.
But it is yet another cruelty heaped upon the cruelties faced by vulnerable people.
In recent months, several disabled people besieged by cuts have told me that facing the loss of their pets is the final heartbreaking straw for them.
That their animals are part of what makes their life worth living, and that without them, it’s just another reason not to go on.
( Ros Wynne-Jones, 23.10.2013 )
Every little soul has value and deserves a life.
My friends crying when a dog is killed in a movie and asking me why I don’t care.
I tell them to watch video footage of animals being brutally killed in slaughterhouses and then come back to me about the dog playing dead in a movie and tell me how they feel then.
You are just as guilty as the abuser if you know about animal abuse and do nothing.
The Torture Of Bears.
Manacled in a cage too small to turn around or stand up in.
Tethered to the ground by a chain through their nose.
Hundreds of bears are kept in cruel conditions like these.
Why? So that they can ‘dance’ to entertain people.
Dancing bears endure a brutal training regime and have their noses pierced with a thick iron ring on a chain.
Any movement of the chain causes incredible agony.
This enables their cruel owners to force the bears to perform a grotesque dance to avoid the hideous pain.
When not performing, the bears are left manacled with little shelter and barely enough food and water.
The medieval ‘sport’ of bear baiting is arguably even more horrific than bear dancing.
Pit Bull terriers are set against tethered bears.
The bears have their teeth wrenched out to render them defenceless against attack from up to eight ferocious dogs in one day.
The pathetic, barbaric countries involved are Bulgaria, Greece, India and Turkey.
Don’t go on holiday there!
I don’t very often give a shit.
But when I do, it’s always for the animals.
Human greed, ignorance, and spineless, uncaring governments are the main cause of animal suffering.
( Rose Winfold )
Asian countries eating dogs and cats is no more horrific than western countries eating cows, pigs and sheep.
When meat-eaters, who also eat plants, try to justify the killing of innocent animals for food by stupidly claiming plants feel pain!?
Are these people really comparing cutting the grass with cutting the throats of animals?
The Mass Murder Of Animals, By Humans.
Most animals and creatures want to be left alone and just get on with their lives.
Others crave for care and attention and need our help.
In the UK, they kill foxes for fun.
They shoot deer because there are too many.
And they murder tens of thousands of badgers because it’s cheaper than vaccination.
Two million cats and dogs are being skinned alive each year in China to make animal toys covered in real fur.
One million farm animals are slaughtered for food every hour in the USA.
Every year, millions of snakes, alligators, crocodiles and lizards are skinned alive to make coats and bags.
Vivisectors torture and kill around one thousand cats, kittens, dogs, puppies, monkeys, rabbits and other animals every 30 seconds.
The Japanese kill thousands of whales and dolphins every year.
More than 23,000 donkeys and horses are killed every week in Italy.
Over one million chickens are eaten every hour in America.
Each year the French import 200 million frogs so they can eat their legs.
Nearly two billion ducks are killed and eaten each year in China.
Humans kill animals.
How meaningless does someone’s life have to be for them to resort to murdering wonderful animals for sport?
If you want to listen to birds singing, don’t buy cages.
Plant more trees and bushes.
Remember, my dear animal friends and family, some humans are good and kind, but some are cowards and cruel.
The cowards feel powerful when they abuse or hurt or kill animals, but they are just nasty, evil, pathetic little creatures.
We have no defence against the cowards, but don’t worry, if the worst happens to us, we will all meet again and be free in a beautiful land they call Heaven.
It’s not about making vegans socially acceptable.
It’s about making animal abuse socially unacceptable.
Veganism is not a diet – it’s a rejection of violence.
It’s the belief that an animal’s life is worth more than a meal.
If you consume animal products, you are complicit in their suffering and brutal slaughter.
You are supporting the morally-deficient people that inflict the abuse and torture.
Was The RSPCA Responsible For Her Death?
Animal welfare officer Dawn Aubrey-Ward, 43, took her own life after publicly accusing the RSPCA of needlessly killing thousands of healthy animals.
An inquest heard how the mother-of-four was discovered dead at home, just five months after she revealed that the charity had destroyed 53,000 animals in a year.
Her family say the RSPCA is partly responsible for her death.
Ms Aubrey-Ward had spoken out after she left her job when she was accused of stealing a tortoise.
She had claimed the animal was an unwanted pet which she had taken home to look after.
Ms Aubrey-Ward’s stepfather, and also a parish councillor, Michael Newport, said, “I feel very strongly that she was badly treated by the RSPCA. They behave like a paramilitary organisation. They have to stop bullying people”.
Ms Aubrey-Ward, who was found hanged at her home in Matlock, Somerset, in May, strongly disagreed with her employer’s policy of putting down animals that couldn’t easily be re-homed.
In an interview in The Mail on Sunday, the former inspector, who once won an RSPCA award for rescuing a stranded sheep from a cliff face, accused the RSPCA of killing thousands of creatures unnecessarily.
Her mother said, “It was OK if the animals were very sick or too traumatised to be pets, but it wasn’t just those animals that died. She told me lots of horrible stories, and got very angry and upset. The job wasn’t what she had expected it to be, and her idea of animal welfare was very different to that of the RSPCA”.
( Lynne Wallis and Simon Murphy, 20.10.2013 )
SPECIESISM is the idea that being human is a good enough reason for human animals to have greater moral rights than non-human animals.
Will these people mourn when they take our life?
Our life of fear, of terror, of pain, of suffering.
No, they simply do not care.
( The Enslaved Animals )
Our planet is infested with assholes who kill innocent animals and believe that their miserable life is somehow more precious than the animal they kill.
The masses have been programmed to ignore their suffering.
So people, it’s time to wake up.
( Rose Winfold )
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