If You Find Yourself Banned On Facebook. Once upon a time on Facebook, I was…

Life Rap.
Homelessness messes people up mentally
What’s this meant to be? The 21st century?
People freezing on the streets they aint meant to be
Without a home no friends no family
Stealing to eat so they be banning me
In the meat wagon feds they be ramming me
But it’s a roof for the night that’s my plan you’ll see
Brothers and sisters on the streets they’ll all agree
We’re just shadows and outcasts of society.
Mental health saying split personality
Got my meds now backtrack to reality
Loop hole in my mind it’s insanity
I can’t escape it like I can’t defy gravity
Demon inside, back off you aint having me!
I aint asking for a saint or a saviour
Just saying I need some help with my behaviour
Cos apparently to myself and the public I’m a danger
The way my mind is superman won’t save ya
Even if you’re god-sent born in a manger.
( David McNally )
The Simple Things.
God grant that I may live upon this earth
And face the tasks which every morning brings
And never lose the glory and the worth
Of humble service and the simple things.
( Edgar A. Guest )
The Pub.
The pub is a quaint old tradition
Where beer is dispensed with a smile
By barmaids with huge, heaving bosoms
Who are chatted up once in a while
It’s a place you can take all your problems
There’ll be someone to lend you an ear
Who’ll be patient and most sympathetic
While you sit there and cry in your beer
It’s a place often ringing with laughter
Where the news of the day is debated
Whether football, religion or politics
A carnival mood is created
So go down to your local this evening
Make merry and drink of your fill
Cos you know you’ll be cosy and welcome.
Dear Friend.
I’m hoping that these words
Are somehow able to express
How to have you as my friend
Brings so much happiness.
For whenever I can see
Only grey clouds in the sky
And all the joy in life
Just passes me right by.
I know that you are there
To help and encourage me
And to remind me that there’s sunshine
Beyond the clouds I see.
There aren’t any words to thank you
For always standing by my side
For being there to share my happiness
And the times when I have cried.
So I feel so very privileged
To know that every day
I have a friend as kind as you
To walk with me on life’s way.
We Will Meet Again.
There must be some bright, restful place
Somewhere out there in time and space
Where songbirds sing and flowers grow
A place where precious loved ones go
To live in peace and free from pain
Where one fine day we will meet again.
England’s Rose.
The day we lost our Nation’s Rose
Tears we cried like rivers flowed
The Earth stood still
As we laid her to rest
A day you and I will never forget.
( Written by Lewis Hamilton to mark the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death )
Autumn Of My Life’s Year.
I’m in the autumn, of my life’s year
I bore my fruit, with tender care.
It’s amazing how quickly, they have grown
And have even produced fruit, of their own.
January to August, I clearly remember
Even though I’m now, at mid September.
I now take my time, and see things more clearly
So maybe I’m having, an ‘Indian Summer’ really.
It might be something, that quickly passes
Or because I’m wearing, new prescription glasses.
My young grandchildren, keep me on my toes
Our imaginations create, boundless scenarios.
They make my heart laugh, with giggling pleasure
This is a priceless, autumn golden treasure.
I hope I have time, to share many more thrills
Before I’m slowed down, by winter’s chills.
Though winter hours, are rarely sunny
Heart warming love, needs no weather or money.
The winter season, is nothing to dread
You can radiate love, even lying in bed.
( Amal Reetpet )
Looking Back.
I might have been rich if I’d wanted the gold
Instead of the friendships I’ve made.
I might have had fame if I’d sought for renown
In the hours when I purposely played.
Now I’m standing today on the far edge of life
And I’m just looking backward to see
What I’ve done with the years and the days that were mine
And all that has happened to me.
I haven’t built much of a fortune to leave
To those who shall carry my name
And nothing I’ve done shall entitle me now
To a place on the tablets of fame.
But I’ve loved the great sky and its spaces of blue.
I’ve lived with the birds and the trees.
I’ve turned from the splendor of silver and gold
To share in such pleasures as these.
I’ve given my time to the children who came.
Together we’ve romped and we’ve played
And I wouldn’t exchange the glad hours spent
With them for the money that I might have made.
I chose to be known and be loved by the few
And was deaf to the plaudits of men.
And I’d make the same choice should the chance
Come to me to live my life over again.
I’ve lived with my friends and I’ve shared in their joys
Known sorrow with all of its tears.
I have harvested much from my acres of life
Though some say I’ve squandered my years.
For much that is fine has been mine to enjoy
And I think I have lived to my best.
And I have no regret, as I’m nearing the end
For the gold that I might have possessed.
( Edgar A. Guest )
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