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I’ve Fallen In Love.
I try not to notice I’ve fallen in love.

On Wimbledon Bridge I am trying to think.
This is nothing. I’m high on the charm and the drink.
But the juke-box inside me is playing a song..
That says something different. And when was it wrong?
My head does its best but the heart is the boss..
I admit it before I am halfway across.
( R S Hutchison )

I Hate You.
I hate you for giving up on me.
I hate you for giving up on us.
I hate you for hurting me.
I hate you for making me cry.
I hate you for leaving me.
I hate you for not being there when I needed you most.
I hate you for what you’ve done.
I hate you for ruining everything we had.
I hate you for making me trust you when you were just going to break that trust.
I hate you for making me love you so much.
Mostly, I hate you for making me a fool..
Because I still love you despite everything you put me through.

The Perfect Bond Of Union.
Love is long suffering and kind.

Love is not jealous, it does not brag,
Does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently,
Does not look for its own interests,
Does not become provoked.
It does not keep account of the injury.
It does not rejoice over unrighteousness,
But rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things.
Accordingly, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness and long suffering.
Continue putting up with one another,
And forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another.
But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love.
For it is a perfect bond of union.

( Corinthians )

No One Can Explain.
Ever since you went away
The days go slowly by.
And the hardest thing to cope with
Is never knowing why.
That I don’t understand
And maybe never will,
Questions left unanswered
Now your voice is still.
To lose you was unbearable
And time and time again,
I’ve tried to look for reasons
That no one can explain.
Life and death hold mysteries
But one thing is for sure,
I loved you then, I love you now
And will for evermore.

The One You Love.
The one you love is your needs answered.
He is your field which you sow with love
And reap with thanksgiving.
And he is your board and your fireside.
For you come to him with your hunger,
And you seek him for peace.
When he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart.
For without words, in love, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared. With joy that is unacclaimed.
When you part from your loved one, you grieve not.
For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence,
As the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain.
Let your best be for the one you love.
If he must know the ebb of your tide,
Let him know its flood also.
For what is your loved one that you should seek him with hours to kill.
Seek him always with hours to live.
For it is his to fill your need,
But not your emptiness.
And in the sweetness of love let there be laughter,
And sharing of pleasures.
For in the dew of little things
The heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
( Kahlil Gibran )

You Never Call.
I know I don’t own you, I know I never will.
So my jealousy when you’re with her, I have no right to feel.
I know you owe me nothing, I shouldn’t ask for more.
I just feel so sad, because you never call.

Idle Dreams.
In idle dreams of long ago,
I imagined my true love.
A perfect match, a soulmate,
An angel from above.
Now you’re here, and now I know
Our love will stay and thrive and grow.
( Joanna Fuchs )

Music To My Ear.
Someone I love has gone away
And life is not the same.
The greatest gift that you can give
Is just to speak their name.
I need to hear the stories
And the tales of days gone past.
I need for you to understand
These memories must last.
We will never make more memories
Since they are no longer here.
So when you say their name to me
It’s music to my ear.

Love So Amazing.
My love for you is like the raging sea.
So powerful and deep it will forever be.
Through storm, wind, and heavy rain,
It will withstand every pain.
Our hearts are so pure and love so sweet.
I love you more with every heartbeat.
( Elaine Chetty )

Missing You.
I miss you so deeply,
My heart struggles to beat.
I cannot breathe fully,
I can’t wait till we meet.
When we are apart,
All I can do,
Is sit here and long to be close to you.

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