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A Parents Prayer.
Thank you God for the children of mine
Who teach me things that blow my mind.
They entertain themselves in the funniest ways.
I pray that the innocence they possess never goes away.
I pray they will grow up and be smart,
And I pray that they will never grow apart.
I pray that they will call home whenever they are near a phone.
I pray that they never feel alone.
I hope they turn to you through guidance and prayer
And know that you and their parents will always be there.
( Althea A. Anker )

Lord Of Life.
Lord of life and king of glory,

Who did design a child to be,
Cradled on a mother’s bosom,
Throned upon a mother’s knee.
For the children thou hast given
We must answer unto thee.

This Child Of Mine.
This child of mine you stare at so

Please come closer so you will know
Just who my child is and what I see
When those sweet eyes stare back at me.
I see no limits to my child’s life
Although I know it will be filled with strife.
I’m hoping that doors will open each day
I’m praying that kindness will come his way.
( Gary Shulman )

Thank You For The Children.
Almighty God and heavenly father,

We thank you for the children which you have given us.
Give us also grace to train them in your faith and love.
That as they advance in years they may grow in grace,
And may hereafter be found in the number of your elect children.

My Dear Child.
If I could I would remove all your fears.
If I could I would remove all your tears.
If I could I would make life painless.
If I could I would give you all your courage.
( Betty Miller )

Your Mother.
Although you cannot hear her voice anymore,
She walks beside you as she did before.
She listens to your problems and she wipes away your tears,
She wraps her arms around you and she understands your fears.
You will always feel the love she has for you,
You will hear her in your heart,
She’s left her human body but your souls will never part.

As You Grow.
As you grow up, the view will start to change.
The embrace of the first morning’s light,
Running for hours beneath the blue,
All of it seems to be there just for you.
The days were long and hushed.
When did it all become such a rush?
It may be odd to say, but it will be okay.
The road is long, the price is steep,
But dare I say, it is worth the leap.
( Tasha R. Dragoo )

Children, Children.
Why do we ever have children?
They only grow up and they leave one day
And they blame us for taking their dreams away,
And the houses are empty, the nurseries forlorn,
These were beautiful places when they were born.
What can you say about children?
Who knows where their childhood ends,
Or when it ends,
Just why you drift apart.
I only know that they never leave your heart.
( Hal Shaper )

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